Wednesday, October 30, 2019

21st century medication treatments. and 1960's medication treatments Research Paper

21st century medication treatments. and 1960's medication treatments - Research Paper Example has remained the same throughout the years, the ways of providing such treatment have changed, with the development of more efficient ways and medication to do so. Some diseases, which were previously thought to be untreatable, can now  be  more easily treated  than  before, and these include some mental disorders. In this paper, there shall be a comparison of the way treatments were done in the 1960s and how they are handled in the contemporary period. Among the areas to be discussed, include the medication that is given to patients, therapies, the various types of surgeries, and several minor treatments. In the twenty first century, there are medications for almost every medical condition, which is known to medical practitioners. These medications are based on a long period of research, and most have been proven to work extremely efficiently. Many of these medications have been designed to treat ailments and are continuously being improved to achieve the best result. However, most of the medications that are used in the twenty first century are dedicated to medical conditions, which are currently prevalent, and rarely are medications developed to deal with diseases that are thought to have been eradicated. This is highly risky because it enables such diseases as smallpox, which was thought to have been eradicated, to form new strains, which would be virtually untreatable using modern medicine. Despite this, it can still be said that contemporary medications have exceedingly improved the lives of people, and it has enabled people to lead normal lives despite some severe conditions wh ich they might have (Hitron 243). Medications in the 1960s were not advanced, as those used in the twenty first century, because  the technology used for their development was not advanced. However, it is during this period that research on various medical conditions began to be conducted so that cures could be found. It can be said that the medications used in the 1960s were still in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Handlin vs. McNeill Essay Example for Free

Handlin vs. McNeill Essay Although events in history occurred over a long span of time and development, history first became an academic subject a little more than 100 years ago (McNeill 12). Since then, a plethora of controversies appeared regarding how historians, scholars, and intellectuals should examine and analyze history. Among the initial methods of studying history was the scientific research method, or scientific source criticism, which fundamentally extracts valid, legitimate facts from a diverse range of historical sources. Throughout time, however, the facts derived from this method of historical study gradually altered, leading to a new method of historical study: using facts and combining them with opinions and goals to constitute personal interpretations. As Oscar Handlin zealously asserts, historians and scholars should provide a strict examination of history based on a chronological study of known and verifiable facts as opposed to using verifiable facts as the basis for their own interpretation, influenced by their own group, experiences, beliefs, and personal motives. Through implementing a strict examination of history, historians can successfully detect and eradicate bias in their writings, allow the government as well as individuals to gain an insight into the past in order to secure and progress the future, and grasp the magnitude of truth. First, because strict examination of history based on a chronology and conclusive evidence can aid in discerning bias from genuine fact, historians should utilize the scientific method of research. Although Oscar Handlin admits that historians are never totally free of bias (7), he does claim that removing facts from interpretations eliminates bias, opinionated statements, and fiction from history, which is supposedly the chief goal and use of history (Handlin 5). On the contrary, when scholars employ William McNeills method of investigating history through interpretation, biased and one-sided analyses emerge, and, therefore, scholars may elasticize actual truth to suit their purpose. Historians who use interpretation to depict history are likely to select facts to show that we-whoever we may be-conform to our cherished principles (McNeill 16). Consequently, a fusion between fact and bias results, distorting the truth and leading to ignorance. Take, for instance, the example of Christopher Columbus. When examined through strict examination based on chronology and evidence,  historians determine truths including the fact that Columbuss voyages increased Europes rate of expedition to the Americas and the fact that Columbus contributed to the horrifying genocide of Native Americans. These derived facts provide insight into two perspectives of Columbus, and so, it diminishes the threats of bias. However, when explored through interpretations to suit purpose or please the audience, historians exaggerate Columbuss prominence by omitting the negative perspective mentioned above and using overarching descriptions, verifying the detriments of bias. Essentially, the scientific method of research assists historians in limiting the bias and opinion used in their writing to produce exact facts that do not serve to please the audience. In conclusion, when historians adhere to a specific study of history founded on chronology and corroborative facts, they can locate truth amidst clouds of speculation, myth, opinion, and bias, and they can use this truth to advance the human race. Rummaging through the treasure chest of historical sources and only selecting the jewels of absolute truth can facilitate the process of abolishing partiality and attaining objectivity and allow humans to use the past as a tool for enhancing the future. Handlin aggressively proclaims, Truth is absolute; it is as absolute as the world is real (5). If historians truly possess profound feelings and support for the success of humanity, it is crucial that they acknowledge Handlins statement. If McNeills views are adopted and excessively used, however, absolute truth and its advantageous properties may be lost forever, masked by interpretations involving a blend of fact, fiction, and ideology. By working in accordance and using the scientific method of research, humans can conquer subjective interpretations and win the war against faction-a combination of fact and fiction (Handlin 8).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

What Montag Learned in Fahrenheit 451 :: Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451

Simplicity vs. Reality Above all things, Montag loved to burn. It was pleasurable for him to set aside his ignorance, watching as the little papery ashes shrivel up, and wisp into the air like fireflies. But that was before he took the time to ask why. Montag had to ask himself why he was burning these books, when he didn’t even know what they were. So he decided to take action and read them. Where he lives, this is illegal. Reading these books brought misfortune, like loosing his wife, house, and being forced to become a nomad. But he also benefited from this. By reading these books and ruining his life he also gained many things. A few of these are knowledge, feelings, and understanding. Gaining this knowledge is the very thing that ruined his life, though it gave him a sense of meaning. Through all of this Montag learns the information he finds in the books was what he needed all along. The life he was living was a lie. He was an ant to his society, and it must have come as a relief to finally realize he was no longer being controlled by his lack of intelligence. Throughout this story as I started to become more familiar with the characters I noticed something quite unusual. In essence, the people around Montag only have two basic feelings, happiness and sadness. All these people ever know is that they want to be happy and they don’t care at what cost. They don’t have any knowledge or understanding of the way things work and that’s exactly what their government wants for them, because as soon as you have knowledge and understanding you start having more in depth emotions and begin asking questions, which leads to trying to makes changes. This causes complication, and that’s just the sort of thing they cannot allow in their simple, ant-like society. Montag gets feeling from the books, and the feelings he gets motivates him to do what’s right. Even if everyone else around him is self centered, they only care about their own happiness. In chapter One Clarisse asks Montag if he’s happy. She makes it seem like such an easy question, while in fact it’s one of the hardest questions he has ever had to ask himself. The truth is that Montag doesn’t understand what true happiness is. All he knows is that he needs to make some drastic changes, and Montag doesn’t even know how.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Montessori Language Rationale Essay

Language, simply put, is a system of symbols with an agreed upon meaning that is shared within a group of individuals. Maria Montessori understood that children have to learn language, that it is not inborn. She also understood the adolescent mind has a long sensitive period for language. Because language is deeply connected to the process of thinking, the child will need to be spoken to and listened to often. Each child learns language at their own rate and pace. There can be different factors, such as a child learning multiple languages at once. Most often, with little effort, the child will be able to learn oral language by being in an environment that fosters conversation. Early on, toddlers will begin to make intentional sounds, â€Å"At one year of age the child says his first intentional word†¦his babbling has a purpose, and this intention is a proof of conscious intelligence†¦He becomes ever more aware that language refers to his surroundings, and his wish to master it consciously becomes also greater†¦.Subconsciously and unaided, he strains himself to learn, and this effort makes his success all the more astonishing.† (The Absorbent Mind, p. 111) Most children by the age of two will have a rapid growth in language comprehension. Towards the end of the second year the child is able to combine two or more words into basic sentences, â€Å"Every child†¦bur sts out with a number of words all perfectly pronounced. And all this occurs at the end of the second year of his life.† (The Absorbent Mind, p. 103) The directress plays the most important role by giving objects labels within the environment. It is essential that all language be given to a child within a context. The child needs to know the names, labels, and the meaning of things in the environment in order for them to have relevancy, â€Å"At about a year and a half, the child discovers another fact, and that is that each thing has its own name.† (The Absorbent Mind, p.113) This allows the child to see and understand the greater picture of things and gives things meaning. Once the greater picture is achieved, it can then be broken down into smaller details. The Montessori language materials isolate elements of language and offer  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœportals’ for the children in the exploration of language. Maria crafted the materials to be presented to the child in the same manner in which they learn oral language, starting with nouns, articles, adverbs, etc. After a new concept is presented to the child, there should always be a return to the original environmental language using storytelling, poetry, storybooks and everyday speech. This allows the child to clearly see how the new concept is applied, with context, in our world. The Montessori preliminary language exercises give the child the vocabulary for objects in the immediate environment. Three part cards with appropriate terminology are a wonderful material to introduce new vocabulary for nouns. Sandpaper letters are a great tool to introduce the child to the sounds of alphabet. Puzzles may also be placed on the shelf, for they indirectly teach the left to right reading style. By the time the absorbent mind of the child has reached the age of six, they will come to understand that the sounds and words have meaning and that these symbols can be used in writing.  The Montessori curriculum helps the child develop writing skills through many materials. Tracing the sandpaper letters, working with the movable alphabet, metal insets, as well as using the sand tray, all help teach letter formation. A silent helper in the Montessori classroom is the practical life area. In the practical life area, you will find many jobs that indirectly teach proper pincer g rip for holding a pencil. Introduction to reading comes through phonetic reading boxes. The reading boxes are cleverly organized, going from simple to the complex. Reading does not follow the same process of writing, which is taking our own thoughts and symbolizing. When we read, it is not our language with which we are working with, it is the author’s language. Reading is the analysis of the language followed by a synthesis. Story telling and socio-dramatic play in the environment can help the child develop an imagination that fosters a higher capability to understand what is being read to them. The Montessori language program is like no other. With a prepared Montessori environment, the child can flourish in orally, in their handwriting, and  lastly in their reading.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Abortion in India

Abortion in India is more common than those would think, quite often a daily occurrence. In India, abortions are completely common because women are quite often having abortions after finding out the sex of the child. Not only is aborting a certain sex frowned upon, but the abortions given in India are often extremely poorly done because of the lack of trained professionals. Abortion in India should be more safe and sterile, while also done by properly trained professionals whom specialize in this area.Unfortunately in India the situation involving trained doctors and nurses for safe abortions is highly lacking making it much harder to provide for those in need of an abortion. Due to that other physicians and nurses get trained to provide medical abortions. â€Å"Abortion has been legalized in India for the past three decades† which made it possible to have medical and or surgical abortions available (Sarala Gopalan). Along with that came the complications of aborting certain sexes causing the passing of a law â€Å"India passed a law in 1994 making it illegal to abort a fetus based on its sex† (Kirkey).That law was passed because many Indian people were having children, trying to have a boy and when not successful would get an abortion. Quite often most of these abortions happened to be an unhealthy or unsafe abortion â€Å"Unsafe abortions constitute a major threat to the health and lives of women† (Sarala Gopalan). The result of an unsafe abortion can end up with terrible outcomes such as incomplete abortion, sepsis, haemorrhage, and damage to internal organs. The most major result of an unsafe abortion can result in the person receiving the abortion to die.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Psychology Term Paper A Complete Guide

Psychology Term Paper A Complete Guide A term paper is a common format of academic writing psychology students encounter in college. It is a research paper of significant size (normally up to 6000 words) that is assigned in the beginning of a term to be written over its duration, either individually or in a group. It should contain original research and detailed discussion of its subject matter, providing evidence in support of the writer’s point. Writing a good term paper will account for a large portion of your grade, so it pays to put every effort into it. In this psychology term paper writing guide, we will discuss the proper order of organizing your work on such assignments. Selecting a Topic Unlike essays whose topics are normally simply assigned to you, you can usually choose a topic of your term paper yourself (albeit in collaboration with your tutor). As you are going to spend the better part of the next term working on it, it pays to tread carefully here. Don’t choose a topic without thinking, hoping to find the necessary information later on – when the time comes, you may find out that the job is too challenging, and it will be too late to ask your tutor to change the topic. Try finding a topic of personal interest. It is not just that writing about something that fascinates you is easier – the quality of your writing is always directly proportional to how interested you are in the subject matter. At this point you probably won’t be able to single out a specific topic, so try to at least mark a general area (e.g., symptoms and treatment of depression); If you cannot think of something specific, try reviewing available literature using an online database (e.g., PsycInfo). This may inspire you to narrow the topic down to something more manageable and will show what sources you can base your research on; Narrow the topic down but don’t overdo it, or you risk ending up with a topic without relevant sources to use; Check if your topic contains a direct or implied question. You don’t write a report on someone else’s research, you are expected to do individual work and come up to your own conclusions, and for that you need to have a question to begin with. E.g., â€Å"Symptoms of a Histrionic Personality Disorder† is not a very good topic as it calls for a simple enumeration of symptoms. â€Å"Potential of Using Gestalt Therapy in Treatment of Histrionic Personality Disorder† is better, because it implies a question: Is gestalt therapy effective for that purpose? Discuss the topic with your tutor. If the topic you’ve come up with is off, he will be able to point it out and suggest alterations that will make it easier to write and to find the necessary information. In the end, you should get a topic that is both sufficiently broad to provide a lot of source materials to build upon and narrow enough to let you exhaustively study it within your word limit. Here are some examples: Situational Variables of Human Behaviors as Seen in Stanford Prison Experiment; Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder: Causes of Misdiagnosis and Ways to Prevent It; Comparative Efficiency of Treatments for Reactive Attachment Disorder in Children; Externalizing and Extroversion: Distinctions and Similarities; Conditioning Theory in Explaining Placebo Effect. Doing Your Research As a psychology researcher, you should learn to read and analyze sources critically for at least three reasons: To create valuable work you have to be well-versed in the subject matter; Through learning how to notice weak spots in papers of other researchers you will become better prepared to finding them in your writing, thus turning into a critical reader of your own work; Not all sources are equally valuable, and you have to learn how to differentiate between them to avoid relying too much on untrustworthy information. Remember – more sources is not always better by definition. From the abundance of information on the subject you should only choose what will be helpful in establishing the truth. Here are some ways to find information sources: Reading list. If you are given one by your tutor, start with it – it likely contains the most pertinent information on the subject; Online databases. PsycInfo and PubMed are the two most widely databases used in the field of psychology. More general ones like Google Scholar and Academic Search Premier can also be of help; Reference sections. Start with your textbook and go through all the sources you’ve found by other means. Here are the questions you should ask yourself when reading and analyzing every information source you deal with: Does the author have an agenda? Every paper is written to advance a certain point of view, but in some cases, an author may be blinded by his goal to do so and intentionally twist, conceal or fabricate evidence to promote his position. If the author has an obvious or implicit bias, it greatly decreases the value of the work as evidence. Is the author’s methodology sound? Students are often tempted to skip the Methodology section of a research paper, but it is very important in establishing the value of evidence. Check if the author’s methods are appropriate and relevant for the question he tries to answer. Is the author’s statistical analysis appropriate? Again, you may be tempted to skip this section (especially if you haven’t yet taken a statistics course), but even those without special training can glean important insights from statistical data. Does this information corroborate the author’s hypothesis? Are his conclusions logical? What is the amount of evidence supporting the conclusion? In psychology, just like in many other disciplines, empirical studies often report contradictory results. That is why a single study or experiment doesn’t automatically become evidence unless it is replicated multiple times. And if an author makes sweeping generalizations at a slightest provocation, he is likely to be biased. Is this information evidence? The fact that that author states something doesn’t make it evidence. Moreover, different disciplines have different standards of what is to be considered evidence. For example, in social sciences logical and rhetorical conclusions are treated as viable evidence. In psychology, however, these are considered are nothing more than personal opinions that have no value without being corroborated by empirical evidence. Writing Your Psychology Term Paper Psychology writing has many similarities to what you have previously learned in expository writing: you are expected to study an idea, investigate the available evidence, produce a thesis, support it with convincing and well-founded evidence and be ready to objections and corrections from your audience. However, there are differences. Psychology writing is based on the standards of American Psychological Association publication style. In addition to a host of formatting requirements (which you can learn on case-by-case basis using the publication manual), there are three general principles: clarity, conciseness and accuracy. As a result, psychology writing is supposed to be easy to read even for non-experts, straightforward so as to eliminate potential misunderstandings and devoid of redundancies. The main goal of psychology writing is information transfer with minimal distractions. Thesis Statement A thesis statement is a short summary of the main point of your paper (e.g., the claim you want to prove or disprove), usually limited to a single sentence. Thesis statement is different from topic – a topic is a general area of your investigation. A thesis statement is a claim or a viewpoint related to the topic. For example, â€Å"Correlation between time of diagnosis and necessary depression treatment methods† is a topic. â€Å"Early diagnosis of depression may prevent the need for medication-based treatment† is a thesis statement. Sometimes you have a basic idea of what you are going to write about and what you will try to prove before you do any research; sometimes you will have to review available literature before you can formulate your idea. Having an idea for thesis statement to begin with is useful because it limits the scope of your searches and motivates you to proceed. However, don’t feel obliged to stick to it. Remember, you are a researcher, and your thesis should be supportable by empirical evidence. If you start finding evidence to the contrary, change your thesis statement accordingly. A quality thesis statement is based on existing research done by other people but goes further than just summarizing and reiterating their findings. It should contain something new, something that is not immediately apparent from the topic itself. For example, â€Å"Bipolar disorder severely influences patient’s quality of life† is so obvious that writing a term paper about it has no sense. Here are some good ideas for thesis statements: Criticize an existing theory or hypothesis or offer your own that is better supported by your findings; Combine information from several topics that aren’t usually connected with each other to come to unexpected conclusions about them; Compare and contrast two or more theories on the subject and make a conclusion which one has more basis in empirical data; Point out a correlation between factors or a trend in statistical data that wasn’t noticed by other researchers. Outline Outline is a plan of your paper: here you jot down its basic structure, make notes of what you should mention at each moment and how to connect points with each other. It should contain the following: Main points of your argument; Evidence you will use to back up each point; How you address potential objections to each point; How you explain evidence that contradicts your points; Everything you will use to tie parts of the paper together: transition words and phrases, subtitles, etc. Body Paragraphs Body of the paper is where you say what you intended to say. Usually students consider it the main part of their work, but it is only true for those who haven’t done proper research. If you’ve carefully studied your sources, made notes and prepared a detailed outline, writing the body paragraphs turns into simple putting of already prepared content onto paper in an orderly form. It means that you should proceed in a uniform fashion: introduce a new point – provide empirical evidence to support it – address potential contradictions and objections – recap the point and relate it to the thesis statement of the paper or a current section. There are a few other principles you should follow: Consider your audience to be intelligent novices in the field of psychology. That is, assume that they have knowledge of general psychology but aren’t well-read in any particular branch of the science. Don’t explain the most basic terminology but provide the necessary background when you get deeper into specifics. Be as concise as possible. The fewer words you use, the better. However, don’t strive to achieve complete brevity in your first draft – that is what revision is for. Avoid emotionally charged language. You are writing a scientific paper, not a novel or poetry. Make your words as neutral and objective as possible. Make sure you define the most important terms relevant to your field of study or introduce them in context that makes their meaning immediately obvious. If a term has more than one meaning or connotation, specify which one you use in your work (e.g. â€Å"Aggression, for the purposes of this work, will be defined as any instance of unmotivated physical attack of one person upon another†). Don’t overload your writing with direct quotations. Remember that opinions of other scholars aren’t considered to be evidence in psychology. You should concentrate on documented facts and results of observations, not on what other people write about them. Try to rephrase quotations so that they are integrated into the flow of text more smoothly. Don’t use footnotes and endnotes. According to APA style guide, if information is important enough for understanding a point, it should be introduced directly into the body of the paper. If it isn’t that important, it shouldn’t be used altogether. Don’t write in first person. Phrases â€Å"I think† or â€Å"I suppose† shouldn’t be used in scientific writing. Revising Your Paper: Steps Our Academic Writers Make The first draft never turns out the way you’ve envisioned your paper. When you’ve finished writing the last line your work isn’t yet done, because revision is just as important a part of it as research and writing per se. If you have time to spare, leave your term paper alone for at least 24 hours. Immediately after finishing a paper you are too used to it and tend to skim over entire phrases, missing mistakes and flaws. Ask for a second opinion. Get somebody whom you trust to read your paper and ask for constructive criticism. It may be anybody – a friend, a relative, a roommate, a peer from the Writing Center. You don’t necessarily have to follow all the recommendations and comments he makes, but they will give you a much-needed perspective on your work. Check your paper for clarity. Read it as if you were seeing it for the first time and ask yourself if you would understand it were it written by somebody else. Check logical connections. Do your arguments naturally follow from one another? Do they really prove what they are supposed to be proving? Eliminate unnecessary words. Psychology values succinct writing, so remove every word, sentence, paragraph or even a section if it doesn’t move your point forward. Read your paper aloud. It is an old yet effective method for singling out fragments that don’t work, sound wrong or don’t serve any purpose; Don’t hesitate to rewrite huge swathes of your paper if you feel it will improve it; Check your paper for consistency with the APA style guide. Only practice can teach you how to write excellent psychology papers consistently, but with this guide, you will have sufficient groundwork to get you started.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Body image in todays society essays

Body image in todays society essays Parks, M.S., Read, M.H. (1997). Adolescent male athletes: body image, diet, and exercise. Adolescence, 32, 593-602. Today's society is heavily focused on the physical aspect of our bodies. It seems that our body image is of a very important concern to many. According to previous research studies one's self-esteem is closely related to the degree of satisfaction with one's body image. Most of the research before now on body image has been done in relation to the female population. The concerns of how one looks used to be thought of as a female preoccupation. However, cultural and societal trends have come to suggest that body image concerns may also affect males. New research has shown that the adolescent male is vulnerable to the pressures of obtaining the "ideal" male body. The ideal includes the V-shape, muscularity, and tallness. This new desire has led many to participate in athletics. Most of the data relevant to this subject has been done on college and adult aged people. This study is due to the limited information regarding younger male athletes. The study was done to investigate and compare body image concerns between two groups of adolescent male athletes. The two groups were composed of football players and cross-country runners. Diet and exercise often modify body image. So data was also collected on reasons for exercising and attitudes toward eating and weight control. I believe that the football players will be the ones who accept their body image more than the cross-country runners. The data was collected through a questionnaire. Various coaches were called up and asked to administer the questionnaire to their players at a convenient time. The players were told to answer seriously and make sure their answers were clear. The questionnaire included: Body Esteem Scale, Body Size Drawings, Eating Attitudes Test, and Reasons for Exercis ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Domestic Pig Facts

Domestic Pig Facts The 600 breeds of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa domestica) on our planet today are descended from the wild boar, Sus scrofa, a process that occurred at least twice in different places between 9,000–10,000 years ago. Domesticated pigs are bred for human consumption. Pork and pork products make up the largest percentage of meat and poultry consumed in the world, representing over 40% of the worlds meat and poultry eaten in 2017.   Fast Facts: Domestic Pig Scientific Name: Sus scrofa domesticaCommon Name: Pig, hog, swineBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 7–8 feet long, 3.7–4.7 feet highWeight: 600–1,000 pounds or moreLifespan: 6 to 10 years  Diet:  OmnivoreHabitat: Pastures, farms, and commercial buildings on all continents except AntarcticaPopulation: Estimated at two billion (nearly 1 billion are slaughtered each year)Conservation Status: Sus scrofa domestica has not been evaluated by the IUCN. Description There are over 600 different breeds of domestic pig (Sus scrofa domestica) extant in the world. The top five most recorded in North America are American Yorkshire, Duroc, Berkshire, Hampshire, and Landrace. The most commonly produced is the American Yorkshire, a version of the English Large White pig, developed in 1761 and first imported to the U.S. in 1830.   Yorkshires are white in color and quite muscular, with a high proportion of lean meat and low back fat. Its body is covered in fine hair, and they have long snouts and erect ears. Depending on the breed, adult pigs range from seven to eight feet in length and weigh between 600 and 1,000 pounds. There are many smaller pig breeds as well.   All domestic pigs belong to the family Suidae, order Artiodactyla, kingdom Animalia, class Mammalia, phylum Chordata.   Yorkshire pigs on an organic farm. Agnormark / iStock / Getty Images Plus Habitat and Distribution Domestic pigs are found on all continents of the world, excepting Antarctica. As of 2010, the largest producers of pigs include China (about 500 million each year), US (64 million), Brazil (40 million), Germany (27 million), Vietnam (27 million), and Spain (25 million). Pigs are kept in pens, in facilities, and in open farm fields and forests, and the farms range in size from facilities with tens of thousands of animals to subsistence farms of one or two. Diet and Behavior   Pigs are omnivores and they will eat anything, meat and plants both. The digestive system of pigs is such that it can also consume bulky foods with high levels of roughage. If kept in a well-fenced field they will eat all of the plants and grass, digging into the ground to consume the roots as well. Farmers put a ring into a pigs nose to keep it from digging up the plant roots.   Domestic pigs cannot be raised solely on pastures. Their diets need to be supplemented with vegetables, corn, or other crops, and they can be fed table scraps. A permanent pasture to keep pigs is one that stays planted to grass or legumes such alfalfa and clover, and/or perennial grasses such as orchard grass, timothy, and bromegrass.   Pigs grow well on large, open-air concrete platforms, in pens with a partial-solid floor area for resting and feeding and another area with a slatted floor so manure drops through and keeps the pen clean, or on pastures supplemented with grains. They require plenty of clean water every day. Pigs are gregarious and can be quite social: but males can be aggressive and farmers typically castrate them at an early age.   Free range pigs grazing in an organic ecological farm. RonyZmiri / iStock / Getty Images Plus Reproduction and Offspring Pigs have male and female sexes, and in most modern facilities, reproduction is controlled at all steps, inducing heat in females, artificial insemination, and weaning. Most breeds of pig reach puberty (come into heat) at 5 months, but sources recommend that females not be bred until 6 months of age.   Non-pregnant sows naturally come into heat every 21 days throughout the year, and the heat lasts between 8 and 36 hours. During that period, impregnation occurs either artificially, or by the farmer introducing a boar. Once impregnated, sows give birth after three months, three weeks and three days. Sows make a nest within 24 hours before giving birth, and farrowing usually lasts between 2 to 3 hours. Healthy sows give birth to between 10 and 13 piglets twice a year. Without coaxing, piglets immediately search for an available teat on their mother, starting to feed within an hour of their birth.  They subsist on mothers milk alone for 2–3 weeks, then begin taking solid food. They can continue to take some milk until about 7 weeks, but farmers can wean them as early as 4 weeks. Males pigs are typically castrated at 2–3 weeks of age. Curious pigs in Pig Breeding farm in swine business in tidy and clean indoor housing farm with pig mother feeding piglet. Chayakorn Lotongkum / iStock / Getty Images Plus Conservation Status In 2007, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) listed over 742 specific breeds of domestic pig in the world. Of those, 137 were listed as extinct and 130 were listed as endangered. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) does not list Sus scrofa domestica at all but does include nine other (non-domesticated) Sus species in the listings as Vulnerable, Critically Endangered, Endangered, or Extinct (Indo-Chinese warty pig).  Ã‚   Sources Breeds of Livestock- Yorkshire Swine. Department of Animal Science, Oklahoma State University.  Chapter 4: The Pig. A Manual for the Primary Animal Health Care Worker. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2004.  Ã‚  Global Distribution of Pigs in 2010. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.Hasheider, Philip E. How to Raise Pigs: Everything You Need to Know. Voyageur Press, 2014.Frantz, Laurent, et al. The Evolution of Suidae. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 4.1 (2016): 61–85. Print.Gilbert, Marius, et al. Global Pigs Distribution in 2010 (5 Minutes of Arc). Harvard Dataverse, 2018. Kittawornrat, Apisit, and Jeffrey J. Zimmerman. Toward a Better Understanding of Pig Behavior and Pig Welfare. Animal Health Research Reviews 12.1 (2011): 25–32. Print.Major Swine Breeds. Pork Checkoff.Pukite, John. A Field Guide to Pigs. Globe Pequot Press, 1999.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Shangri-La Hotels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Shangri-La Hotels - Essay Example This issue of the Chinese employees being shy about making executive decisions even in cases where they are given the power to do was becoming even more emphasized now that western hoteliers were coming to town. Apart from that, wages are being driven up by the new hotels arriving here and poaching their employees. This added to the new challenges the hotel was already having. Not only were the new hoteliers raising the standards with regard to human resource, especially frontline personnel, but they were also a risk in that they were now driving employee turnover rates for Shangri-La Hotels which prior to this were always low and way below the industry average. Started in the 1971 by a Malaysians-Chinese tycoon, the name of the hotel means eternal youth, peace and tranquility. This is one tradition that Shangri-La Hotels has tried to live by since its inception in 1971. The Shangri-La Hotels has expanded over the years and by 2006, it was the biggest hotel in luxury hotels subsector in south Asia. Although the Shangri-La Hotels has continued to expand its business elsewhere, it has maintained its growth in the East Asian market and especially in China. China had the best and favorable economic conditions which inspired growth due to the growing urban wages as the Chinese economy booming since the 1080s. as a result, the hospitality sector was being boomed as more tourists, both local and international increased demand for hospitality services. This helped the firms to protect itself from the economic recession that hit South Asia in 1997-1998 because during this time China was spared from the Asian economic recession and thus Shangri-La Hotels, having placed its foundation mainly in China was in a safe haven. In its priority, Shangri-La Hotels wants to make sure that it is able to give the best services to the customers. This is challenged by a number of

Why Scientific Management Has No Relevance Today Essay - 11

Why Scientific Management Has No Relevance Today - Essay Example The paper tells that scientific management is irrelevant in the current society because unlike in the past, workers are more intelligent today. This is because they know their values in the workplaces. Consequently, they consider any processes that seem to challenge their worth as self-deprecating. When scientific management was still relevant, employees were offered the fiscal rewards only. This is because workers valued economic rewards during that time. However, most organizations increase their productivity by controlling all factors in the  workplaces  as well as maintaining the social health and development of the workers in today’s organizations. Furthermore, this management approach is not applicable today because its principles are authoritarian. This is because they assumed that only managers were accountable for decision-making because organizations did not trust the employees’ competence in decision-making in the past. According to Taylor, the increase i n the organizations’ productivity relied on the divisions between the workers and experts or managers. Additionally, he also believed that managers should always direct the workers. This method negatively influences the workers’ motivation and satisfaction in the  workplaces. The modern organizations increase their productivity by involving all the organization’s participants including the employees in the decision-making process. This motivates the workers because it makes them feel worthy of the organization. Additionally, it makes them feel respected by the organizations. Such respected workers usually work to their highest potential because they become loyal to the organization. Moreover, the piece rate payment systems used in the scientific management is not effective today because organizations center on superiority rather than the capacity to increase the customers’ satisfaction and the organizations’ competency.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Asian Polictical and Legal System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Asian Polictical and Legal System - Essay Example Pakistan being adjacent to Afghanistan, the hotbed of Islamic radicalism, is more then exposed to the extremist forces as compared to Bangladesh. Besides, unlike Bangladesh, Pakistan lies on the route to the oil and natural gas rich regions of Central Asia. A number of affluent and influential nations have a stake in the mineral wealth of Central Asia (Rashid, 2001). Some of these stakes specifically intend to use Islamic fundamentalism as a tool to gain grounds in Pakistan to secure their hold on Afghanistan and Central Asia. Bangladesh, on the contrary is not that lucrative in an economic sense, thus Islamic radicals do not intend to pump much finances in this young nation to propagate their ideology. In addition, considering the military inferiority of Pakistan as compared to India, a section of the Pakistan's political elites and the army, particularly the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) raised and nurtured Islamic fundamentalism over the years to carry on a proxy war against I ndia. It is not a wonder that Islamic fundamentalism in Pakistan stands on much firmer foundations as compared to Bangladesh.

Marketing Inteligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Marketing Inteligence - Essay Example This is a stage whereby a consumer realizes that he needs new clothes for example. The next stage is information search whereby the consumer analyzes all the possible companies selling clothes such as Tesco and its competitors. The alternative evaluation stage is the third stage in which the consumer evaluates the quality of clothes and prices charged by various companies. For example, a consumer can compare the prices of Asda and those of Tesco. In the fourth stage, purchase decision, the consumer makes his decision on which store to purchase clothes from and goes for the company that offers quality clothes at affordable prices. The last stage is post-purchase behavior whereby the consumer analyzes if the clothes he purchased from Tesco for example satisfied his needs or not and taken relevant actions. Maslow’s theory of needs- This theory outlines that individual have certain needs that he needs to satisfy all through his life. In the buying behaviors of consumers, they first consider satisfying the most urgent needs necessary for their survival and good living (Kelly, 2002). Consumers start with satisfying basic needs then safety needs followed by social needs then self-esteem needs and lastly self-actualization needs. Diffusion of innovation theory- This theory outlines how advancements such as new technologies spread throughout cultures and societies from introduction to wider adoption. The costs, accessibility and familiarity with the technological change influence that buying behavior of consumers (Lehman, Ramsey and David, 2000). If the cost of new advanced products and services is much higher than those of the old ones, consumers will prefer purchasing the old ones since they satisfy the same needs. Cultural and religious factors- The consumer’s buying behavior is highly influenced by the cultural and religious beliefs of a consumer. For example Muslims cannot purchase pork products being offered by

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Critical Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Critical Response - Essay Example Therefore, a liberalist government ensures that all persons are subjected to the same laws (Hobhouse, 2009). A socialist government refers to a government, which is characterized by the basic components of a society that has no social classes. Thus, this form of government aims at controlling all the production and distribution means. According to socialist governments, this control is essential since it does away with competition and makes people equal. Another component of socialism includes the absence of private property. As such, every member of the society gets an equal share of medical care, earnings, and necessities. The main goal of a socialist government is to ensure that all member of society achieve equality, thus eliminating inequality and large gaps between the rich and the poor (Jennings, 2004). Liberalism is different from socialism since liberalism advocates for adherence to the rule of law (Hobhouse, 2009). On the other hand, socialism holds that the state should be the sole producer and distributor of goods and services (Jennings, 2004). One of the governments that have utilized liberalism is the Canadian government. Canadian politics started to be dominated by the idea of liberalism before the 1960s. Liberalism had immense success in Canada as it helped achieve individual rights, liberty, and free markets (Hobhouse, 2009). With regard to socialism, one government that has succeeded in using the ideology is the Chinese government. The People’s Republic of China can be termed as one of the most successful form of a socialist government. Socialism in China has been effective in meeting the goals of the liberal ideology (Jennings,

Marketing - Exam on Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing - Exam on Marketing - Essay Example The role of integrated marketing communication is to use advertising as a means of creating a sound and meaningful relationship between the business and the specific audience the business is trying to reach. II. While integrated marketing communication is a complex field, there are a number of specific IMC drivers. The primary drivers of integrated marketing communications include message clutter. Another notable driver is the need for consistency in brand differentiation. One considers that in organizations such as Coca-Cola this is evident in that a single logo and advertising campaign that are implemented for set periods. Still, other drivers are evolving technology and forming transaction to relationships. One considers that there are a variety of specific examples where these elements occur. In terms of evolving technology the Internet has presented many news ways companies can improve transaction to relationships and a fusion of entertainment to consumption. Among the most prom inent recent examples include advertising specifically tailored to the customer and email marketing campaigns. Domino’s Pizza, for instance, recently developed an advertising campaign where if individuals clicked on their Facebook page they were eligible for a discounted pizza. There are a variety of different IMC communication tools. Different tools have different uses. These tools creative a hierarchy of effects. Promotional tools are one prominent example. These tools must be developed so the target audience receives a message that is consistent throughout. For example, a business should use similar marketing designs and slogans throughout the organization so the customer comes to identify these elements with the business. This has become a prominent element of major corporations such as Starbucks and Coca-Cola. Other prominent marketing tools include publication relations, personal selling, and sales and promotion. In addition there are internal elements, including accoun tability where the organization considers cost elements. Another important consideration is integrated marketing communication from a managing perspective. Most importantly, IMC can be a challenging management task, as it involves a number of elements within the business. It follows that management must be highly coordinated in instituting these new forms of advertising inline with new forms of technology and communication. Today nearly all major corporate elements, one considers Wal-Mart, have a social media presence. There are a number of barriers to IMC. Many of these can be considered along a spectrum. For instance, talent and skills are potential barriers within the business. Other major barriers include control and coordination issues, business culture challenges, and modification challenges. There are a variety of advantages and disadvantages to IMC. The primary advantage is that IMC implements an approach to advertising that directly targets consumers with specific interests . This allows for more effective communication and a competitive advantage through more efficient marketing. In terms of disadvantages, there is a greater advertising burden placed on the organization. This increased burden also involves bureaucratic procedures and a uniformity of style and message. In conclusion, integrated marketing communication constitutes a new and highly adaptive form of advertising and marketing. The approach involves a comprehensive and customer centric approach to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critical Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Critical Response - Essay Example Therefore, a liberalist government ensures that all persons are subjected to the same laws (Hobhouse, 2009). A socialist government refers to a government, which is characterized by the basic components of a society that has no social classes. Thus, this form of government aims at controlling all the production and distribution means. According to socialist governments, this control is essential since it does away with competition and makes people equal. Another component of socialism includes the absence of private property. As such, every member of the society gets an equal share of medical care, earnings, and necessities. The main goal of a socialist government is to ensure that all member of society achieve equality, thus eliminating inequality and large gaps between the rich and the poor (Jennings, 2004). Liberalism is different from socialism since liberalism advocates for adherence to the rule of law (Hobhouse, 2009). On the other hand, socialism holds that the state should be the sole producer and distributor of goods and services (Jennings, 2004). One of the governments that have utilized liberalism is the Canadian government. Canadian politics started to be dominated by the idea of liberalism before the 1960s. Liberalism had immense success in Canada as it helped achieve individual rights, liberty, and free markets (Hobhouse, 2009). With regard to socialism, one government that has succeeded in using the ideology is the Chinese government. The People’s Republic of China can be termed as one of the most successful form of a socialist government. Socialism in China has been effective in meeting the goals of the liberal ideology (Jennings,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Methods to Stop Different Cyber Crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Methods to Stop Different Cyber Crimes - Essay Example Internet users should chose passwords with that consist of at least five characters. These passwords are not easily guessed by the criminals. Passwords that are made based on names, nicknames, telephone numbers, and other obvious words should be avoided. Passwords should consist of both uppercase and lowercase character. However, such passwords may be difficult to remember. Internet users should aim at creating the most unique passwords that do no appear in dictionary entries (Standler, 2004). Internet users are required to activate their spam blocker whenever they use the Internet. Spam blockers enable individuals to block messages that are not needed from getting into the inbox. In addition, a spam blocker ensures that phishing emails that may be used to defraud Internet users are prevented from getting into the inbox. Most Internet providers have spam blocking features (Ehow, 2012). Antivirus software such as McAfee, Norton, Kasperskey and Avast should be installed on computers. The installation of an antivirus alone is not an adequate measure in preventing viruses from infecting the computer; the anti virus must be updated on a regular basis. Malware, spyware and viruses can only be eliminated from the computer if the antivirus is allowed to scan the whole computer system (Ehow, 2012). Further, Internet users can stop cyber crime by using their computer’s firewall protection feature. Firewall is a digitally created barrier that enables Internet users to prevent cyber criminals from accessing their computer systems. The Firewall should always be turned on in order to prevent the illegal activities of cyber criminals (Ehow, 2012). Also, cyber crimes can be prevented if Internet users constantly encrypt useful information as they send it to intended recipients. This can be done through the use of encryption software which ensures that personal and confidential information

Monday, October 14, 2019

Rome and Han Ccot Essay Example for Free

Rome and Han Ccot Essay Rome and Han China are different in the ways how their slaves were treated. Overall, they were ultimately more similar because of the importance of trade and family. Slaves in Ancient Rome were treated very harshly. They were put in gladiator fights to the death against fellow slaves and occasionally lions for the entertainment of the community, although it was against the law for a citizen to kill another citizen’s slave. Also, 10% of the populations of Rome were slaves, which means if one died, they could be easily replaced. In contrast, only 1% of Han China’s populations were slaves. They were much more valued and thus their owners treated them better. There were two kinds- Privately Owned and State Owned. These slaves could pay for freedom, or be freed by their master or the emperor. It was against the law to kill these slaves at all. Trade in Rome was thought to be beneath the occupation of landholding, although they continue to practice trade throughout Roman history. The Senate was not allowed to participate in commerce because they were too prestigious to be affiliating with it. Similar to Han China, agriculture was a much better occupation than trade. Merchants, however wealthy, were looked down on because they looked like they could surpass social boundaries because of their riches. In Ancient Rome, loyalty to family and state was highly important. The nobles of Rome were constantly reminded to be aware of their fathers and grandfathers successes. We know this because the term pietas; meaning â€Å"dutifulness†; depicts these values. Also, we know of these the importance of family because typically at a Roman funeral, they would exhibit masks’ of their ancestors and their deeds. This regard to ancestors resembles that of Confucianism, which was highly practiced in Han China. The core of Confucianism was known as â€Å"filial piety†, meaning the respect and obedience that children owed their parents.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers

"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get," suggests Tom Hanks in the motion picture "Forrest Gump". He utilizes this metaphor to align a box of chocolates as a symbol for life. Symbolism serves as a useful tool to convey a message or point subtly so that the concept lingers in the mind of the reader, who then establishes a relation in his or her mind with that object and the message. Hawthorne uses symbolism in The Scarlet Letter extensively to express the underlying truths about the stifling nature of Puritan society and the dispositions of the characters in the novel. Such elements as nature, color, and light; the scarlet letter itself; as well as the scaffold, where the three pinnacles of the plot occur, operate on a firm foundation of symbolism. Nature, color and light are used as symbols throughout the novel to illustrate several areas of the story (Waggoner 154). The prison door, for example, was described as being composed of â€Å"oak and iron† and its coloring â€Å"sad† and â€Å"gray†, symbolizing the rigidity of the Puritan society against sinners (Waggoner 154). The rosebush situated outside of the prison door is like a â€Å"moral blossom† growing amongst the bitter weeds of society, in the â€Å"most unlikely of places† (Hawthorne). The placement of the rosebush in such a dank, improbable position as outside of a place housing sinners (the prison), imparts the fact that such an element of beauty and innocence is nevertheless able to be born out of a station with such an ill aura. Pearl is symbolic of the rosebush in that she was spawned from the same evil air of sin (Waggoner 156). However, her purity is just as real as that which comes from a origin of virtue (Waggoner 156). She is often associated with roses (Waggoner 156). For example, in the governor’s she cries and pleas that she must have one (Waggoner 156). In addition, her very name is an indication of the symbol she conveys (Waggoner 157). Like a pearl comes from the mangled, impure exterior of the oyster, Pearl comes from the equally impure and squalid exterior of the sin her parents willingly committed (Waggoner 157). Another nature related symbol comes in the forest. The forest itself holds its own variety of symbolism. â€Å"Freedom† is one expression of the forest. There is no reason for Hester and Dimmesdale to be secretive among the trees where no one can witness their union (Matthiessen 299).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Spartacus Essay -- essays research papers

Spartacus Spartacus is a historical epic film showing the rise and fall of a slave revolt in the Roman Empire. The film follows the life of the Thracian slave, Spartacus, from his purchase by a trainer of gladiators and his leadership of the revolt to the climactic battle with the Roman Army and his eventual crucifixion at the order of Crassus. The Film stars Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Charles Laughton and a host of other stars. The film was released in 1960, and it won four Oscars. The film won Oscars for Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color; Best Cinematography, Color; Best Costume Design, Color; and Best Supporting Actor, Peter Ustinov. Spartacus is one of three films that cover the transition of Rome from Republic to Empire. The movie is historically correct in the overall story about Spartacus, but because not much is know about the characters individuality, the presentation of their character is fictional. The characters were improved to meet the requirements that Hollywood puts on them. For example, not much is known about Varinia, Spartacus’ wife, but she is believed to be a Thracian. There is a very little possibility that she was a Briton as she was portrayed in the film, because the Romans do not invade Briton for another 20 years after the slave uprising. Spartacus was born and eventually sold into slavery. He was born in the Roman city of Thrace. It was there where he joined and later deserted the ever powerful army of Rome. In 71 B.C., after being...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Influences of Mlk’s I Have a Dream Speech

Racial segregation along with social equality has been of the many issues in the United States since the nation was formed. Unlike most other issues in this country, segregation was dealt with to an extent but eventually came to a complete halt. Blacks were still being treated unequally in the United States, forced to abide by unreasonable rules or would face cruel punishment. These rules were present in nearly every public facility, sidewalk, buses, and even bathrooms.Although every person of the white race did not agree with the use of segregation, no one had the courage to stand up and convince the people of the United States that the way they are treating the African Americans was wrong. The Negroes of this time felt as if there was not any hope of being completely free until a brave and intelligent man stood up in front of thousands of people on August 28, 1963 in Washington D. C. Martin Luther King Jr. pens the eyes of many Americans with his words of wisdom in his I Have a Dre am speech, explaining how the Negroes of America are being treated and what is about to happen to give the Negroes the freedom they have been promised. His persuasion and direct demand of their freedom will make the people of the United States change their ways or severe consequences will come. One hundred years before King addressed his I have a dream speech, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, meant to gradually free all slaves of the territories who were still in rebellion against the Union.Along with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the Emancipation Proclamation was written to allow all people of the United States to be free. King mentions in the first few paragraphs of his speech that the Declaration of Independence was a â€Å"promissory note† to every American guaranteeing their â€Å"unalienable rights† of â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. † Explaining that the government’s promise still has not been fulfilled, proven by the African Americans’ lack of complete freedom. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned†, â€Å"America has given the Negro people a bad check. † The Negroes of America were still living through the hardships of segregation and discrimination, which were promised, in several federal documents, abolishment over one hundred years before. King tells the country that he demands the rights of freedom and until all of the Negroes of the United States receive their rights they deserve, they will never give up.He explains that the reason that they do not have freedom is because the government and the people of the United States have convinced the African American population that they will eventually receive their rights, without any intentions of taking action to do so. If they do not receive their rights soon, he promised that there would be a revoluti on until all people of the United States are free.King automatically draws respect by saying â€Å"The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. † Honoring the people of the white race who were attending the speech and expressing that every individuals’ future depends on their freedom.He also receives respect by telling the people not to revolt through violence while trying to obtain their rights of freedom, seeking revenge would only hurt our population and the nation, as a whole. Being aggressive could endanger the possibility of ever receiving complete freedom for the Negro population. In the speech, King never talked down on the white Americans for their acts. Instea d, he explains what the white race had done to require him to stand in front of America that day.He also expressed how he looked forward to the â€Å"brotherhood† and friendship with every white American in the near future, making the people realize he does not want any superiority over the white race, only to be considered equal as them. At this point in the speech, he begins to explain how much he would appreciate life as a free American and how he will enjoy the right to do as he may wish. To be able to work to, not only, make him successful but to create a more successful nation as a whole. â€Å"Nine sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. King brings about persuasion towards every race with this point in the speech. Meaning that it will be an end to segregation, but more importantly a beginning to a powerful and successful nation. The black population being free will bring greater technologies, work ethics, and complete unionization. With the country in complete un ity it automatically causes it to be stronger as a whole. His persuasion to the black population comes greatly towards the end of the speech. He tells everyone that the â€Å"situation can and will be changed. By being so straightforward and ensuring, it gives confidence and motivation to the people who are trying to fix this situation to stand up for themselves and demand what they deserve. This statement also tells the people who are treating the Negroes badly that they have no other choice but to give the blacks their guaranteed rights or there will be an uncontrollable and never ending revolution. The never-ending revolution could jeopardize the function of the country and cause social and economic chaos throughout.King concludes his speech with the famous I have a dream phrases and songs. In the phrases he tells about how peaceful and enjoyable complete freedom will be and how he dreams that one day soon he will see interracial friendships of brotherhood between children and a dults of this country. Being able to work together, pray together, struggle together, go to jail together, and stand up for freedom together will bring many great effects on the nation and the people.Being â€Å"free at last† will make the world a better place and will gradually make this country the strongest in the world economically and socially. Martin Luther King Jr. ’s speech was so convincing because of his straightforwardness about what will be done to receive the rights that the African Americans were promised. Although most of the white race had knowledge of how they were treating the blacks, King opened their eyes by making them realize that they Constitutionally deserve the same rights as the white population.King was respectful throughout the speech, which most likely helped the people understand and accept the reason for his speech. Although African Americans still did not receive their rights immediately after this speech, the speech had an incredible im pact on the future of the African Americans and the future of this nation. Great risks came with King’s speech but he was willing to take those risks to create a better future for the lives of many Americans.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How to Train Your Pet

Have you ever wondered how the animals you see on TV and in movies are trained to perform such amazing tricks? Many of their trainers use a technique based on the teaching methods developed by behavioral psychologists such as BF Skinner. Skinner studied techniques for reinforcing desired behavior in animals. Animals can be taught many sophisticated tricks using Skinner’s technique. If you want your pet to do a trick, you must understand the technique psychologists call â€Å"shaping.† Shaping means reinforcing, or strengthening behaviors that you want to encourage. Begin by making some decisions. First of all, you need to choose your subject. You can pick any household pet, such as a cat, a dog, a hamster, or a bird. Suppose, for example, that you want to teach your dog a trick. The next thing to do is to choose a reward. Food is usually the easiest reward to use. Keep in mind that in order for food to be an effective reward, your dog has to be hungry. Don’t try to teach him a new trick right after he has eaten a big meal. Also, a reward is most effective when it is given at the same time that the dog performs the desired trick. Since you will not be always able to give the dog food as quickly as you would like to, you will need to develop a â€Å"conditional reinforcer.† You can do this by connecting the food to something else, such as a ringing bell. In this case, the sound of the bell makes is the conditioned reinforcer. You are now ready to begin conditioning the dog to respond to the bell. Get out about 40 small dog biscuits. Toss a few of them to your dog, one at a time, at a rate of about one or two biscuits per minute. As soon as the dog starts eating the biscuits, ring the bell and then throw him another biscuit. Wait about 30 seconds and then repeat the steps. When you ring the bell, do not make any other sounds or movements. Give the food only when the dog is standing in the place where he got the food. When your dog reaches the point where he goes to the food place whenever you ring the bell, you are ready to begin teaching him the trick. At this point, you need to choose the trick you want to teach. An easy trick is teaching your dog to roll over. Shape the dog’s behavior by reinforcing anything that resembles the behavior you are trying to teach. Begin by reinforcing any attempt to lie down. Then reinforce any movement of his body when he is lying down. Every time you reinforce any of his behaviors that resembles rolling over, immediately give him a biscuit and ring the bell. In this way, he will begin to associate the sound of the bell with the trick. Continue reinforcing closer approximations of rolling over with the biscuits and the bell. During the teaching session, do not touch the dog, talk to him, or in any way distract him. A normal dog, according to Skinner, will learn the trick within 5 minutes. As you can see, it is really not difficult to train your pet to do a trick. It is only a matter of little time and some effort. Once you have established a conditioned reinforce, you can easily teach your dog a new trick by shaping his behavior. However, if you want to teach your dog another trick, you must eliminate the first behavior by no longer reinforcing it. Eventually, he will stop rolling over and will be ready to learn something new.

Dream analaysis

Table of Contents Sigmund Freud, The father of psychology as referred to many around the world till this very day. Freud developed an interest in dreams as his patient would disclose their dreams whilst in therapy under his supervision, which today is called psycho analysis.Carl Jung another very important figure in the shaping of psychology was in fact a student of Freud, but although he Jung was indeed a student of Freud they did not necessarily come to the same conclusion when it came to their theory about the interpretation of dreams. In short according to Freud , dreams are the reflection f the unconscious whereas Jung not only expanded on that but also added a twist and went on to say that dreams not only lead to a personal sub consciousness they also contained a collective unconsciousness.Bring (1995) I will roughly present the two theories and attempt to describe the theoretical foundations of psychoanalysis and Jungian analysis and therapy, discuss the key concepts in the va rious theories, explore the implications of the key concepts on personality theory and counseling as well as summarize basic techniques and therapeutic goals and processes, on the one f the theories I will Journal one of my own dreams and attempt to interpret it.The theoretical foundations of Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis Now as mentioned earlier in the introduction, Freud ultimately became accustomed to hearing the dreams of his patients and rather developed a profound interest in the subject of dreams, he soon included the interpretation of dreams in psychoanalysis alongside hypnosis and free association. Bring (1995) As the end of the 19th century wound up, Freud had then researched and unveiled the mechanisms of dreams, and there after dream analysis became the indispensable LOL in the psychoanalysts therapy.Bring (1995) Then again what is the purpose of dreams or how does one achieve a good quality dream or better yet how does one interpret their own dreams or those of ot hers? Another important note is that dream are or may be influenced by notion of Fraud's three structures of personality namely the id the ego and the super ego. Corey (2009) The id is the foundation of personality that revolves mainly around instincts and pleasure, and therefore it never has any rationality in the way it goes about.The ego is where all reasoning is communicated, s its code is based on the reality principle to satisfy or control the impulses of the id. The superego is modeled on a moral code and either rewards with feelings of pride and self-love or punishes with guilt and inferiority Corey (2009) â€Å"A dream is a work of art which requires of the dreamer no particular talent, special training, or technical competence. Dreaming is a creative enterprise in which all may and most do participate. Hall (1953) But who's to say dreams aren't Just a form of an activity that keeps us from being disturbed during sleep, Just as we do activities or work in day mime to preve nt us from falling asleep or to simply keep us busy. â€Å"Dreams are things which get rid of (psychical) stimuli disturbing to sleep, by the method of hallucinatory satisfaction. † Richards (1978) As cited by Corey (2009, P. 76) Freud suggested that dreams are the â€Å"royal road to the unconscious† and â€Å"an attempted wish-fulfillment. † As cited by Hall (1953).Jung also incorporated four stages to dream interpretation but not exactly like the elements in that of the dream work notion from Freud. Jung theorized that the first phase named the exposition accounts for the setting of the dream entailing a conflict expressed in the dream. The plot is the second phase that usually administers a different angle or change, in the next phase, the culmination is where most of the critical transformation occurs in order to bring closure to the dream or dreamer.Leaving the fourth and final stage being the denouement, well this is where Jung believed that, it is what i t is, meaning the dream will always have an ending that can't be influenced to suite the dreamer, much rather t will be a truthful ending based on a real conflict or reflection of one's life. Bring (1995) Jung maintained the notion of the collective unconscious consisting of various myths, religions and many more thoughts that are spiritual or superstitions hard wired in our unconscious to help make rational or realistic decisions otherwise known as Archetypes.The persona, the anima & animus and the shadow are the key concepts of the archetypes. The Persona is in a sense the human veil we wear or the image we choose to portray to the public for our protection of our inner self. (Veered 997) As cited by Bring (1995) â€Å"The persona consists of what a person appears to be to others, in contrast to what s/he actually is. That is to say the persona is the role the individual chooses to play in life, the impression and the way s/he wishes to appear to, and makes on, the outside world. † .The animus and anima refer to concept that there are both masculine and feminine forces in both the male and female sexes respectively. The shadow can well be the most dangerous and powerful factor in the archetypes as it â€Å"represents our dark side, the thoughts, feelings, and actions that we end to disown by projecting them outward. † Corey (2009,P. 80) Jung also proposed that in order for us to become integrated we had to acknowledge and accept that in our own nature there are both constructive and destructive forces forming our dark side otherwise known as the shadow.Corey (2009) My dream My dream starts with me entering one of my most trusted barbershops; I wait for my barber to finish with another client first before he attends to me. When he finally comes around to me I am so excited I can hardly talk anymore, so with me not being able to talk and tell him what hairstyle I want he gets started. He started off by shaving the back of my head completely bold then holding up a mirror to show me what he did without me knowing.He had this continuous grin on his face as if he had accomplished the greatest thing in his life while continuing to shave my head. In that same instance I'm kicking and screaming and flashing red with anger as I want to smack this barber so dearly, but I could not get up from the chair and strangely enough there where really no strings or anything holding me down. After I left the barber shop I went into great depression, never leaving the house not even for school, which resulted in me being expelled from school.The sound of my alarm ended the dream, which I am surprised to even remember afterwards, so there e is most definitely a strong conflict I need to deal with. See appendix 1 for free association Dream interpretation I will be using Fraud's theory for the interpretation of my dream. I will incorporate the likes of the manifest and latent content, the residua notion and a piece of the topographical model will be included.The manifest content derived from this dream was merely the agonizing thought of me losing my beloved hair, which completes my arsenal image. The latent content however was quite strongly suggestive in the thought of what could happen if ever I was to lose my hair, the id mechanism is driven by instinct, and it was left severely damaged in a sense that it could not in fact not react instinctively to this conflict situation.However the ego mechanism I believe is the reason I felt like I was pinned to my seat, and although it did not present any psychical restraints, I was indeed psychologically paralyzed in that moment of anger. The ego fortunately did not satisfy the id's instinct to strike as it relies heavily on the lethality principle and rational thinking, otherwise I would be faced with the consequences of reality. Because the id did not get its way in the beginning, led to the super ego being thrown off course as it strives for perfection and towards an ideal situa tion.The thought of my hair gone is not in any anyway an ideal situation as the only way I could rectify that mistake was to wait till the hair grew back and that in itself send me into a great depression, as the changes made to my appearance where not customary to the super egos values and standards of society. Corey (2008, P. 2) How this dream came about however is in fact related to the thought of me visiting the barber for my regular haircut.Mind you, I pass by this particular barber shop on my way to school, which has me preoccupied with assignments at the moment. So the day before I had this dream I was actually standing at the entrance of this barber shop contemplating whether I had enough time to get a full hairdo or not, I decided not to in the end, and that lead to experience forming the residua of the day that caused the occurrence of the dream I would think. Bring (1995) ConclusionThis essay has in fact taught me a lot about dreams pointing mainly at the significance or message in regards too real life conflict fear or wish it may be trying to bring to the conscious mind. The help to realizes the conflict being presented in the dream is Just as good as the interpretation of the dream in particular, so one has to be careful in the conclusions they draw to because if you were to conclude and started confronting a conflict not stressed in the dream it could well lead to many more unwanted conflicts.But in fact the complete opposite happened, I went there expecting that good Sunday feeling but the barber had a different agenda, he turned my whole experience upside down, he almost was like the id in a errors much to the notion of it being impulsive and doing what it pleases, the barber Just started shaving my head bold without waiting for directions, merely because I could not talk.The possible associations I can relate that image to is that of me attending my first year of college and the time of assignment has arrived and I'm much clueless as what the lecturer expects of me so I am rather drawn to Just go in the direction of trial and error in trying to be original. After the barber starts destroying my image, I want so badly to strike him but I cannot bring myself to do it.For me the part where the barber is destroying my image points to the possibility of me failing my assignment and the part where I want to strike but can't relates to the fact that I want to voice my anger on the subject of not being guided properly to complete these assignments but can't because I know it's an academic department where one is expected to find their own way. The part of going into this deep depression and being suspended interrelates to the feeling of despair and hopelessness on the subject of school and wanting to drop out already.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Marketing analysis of Italian wine in the Chinese market Dissertation

A Marketing analysis of Italian wine in the Chinese market - Dissertation Example Political Political factors play an important role in the performance of businesses in the long run. In China, political risk is relatively low compared to other emerging economies in the world. This is because China follows a one party policy, which reduces chances of political parties among opponents. The central government of China has recently revised its taxation policy in order to help it encourage wine business in the country. The government has taken the initiative to provide funds for the infrastructural projects that would help the wineries in their process of production (Daft, Kendrick and Vershinina, 2010). In case of a political framework, in which there is the existence of more than one party, as the ruling party changes, it leads to the change of ideologies and policies. The one party policy in China acts as a favourable factor for any business operation in the country. Therefore, the wine industry faces positive thrust in China. Import of bottled wine has increased be tween 2004 and 2009 as shown in the graph below. It can be seen from the figure that imports from Italy have increased considerably after 2006. Figure: Imports of bottled wine by China (Source: DPI, 2013) However, there is little transparency in the political system of the country. There are wide assortments of different rules encompassing the businesses in all industries in the country. Such regulations increases challenges for the investors that are currently investing in the country or are willing to invest in the near future (Collins, 2013). Economic China is the largest economy in the world in terms of population and the ranks third in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (CIA, 2013). According to 2012 estimate, the real growth rate of the nation is 7.8 percent and per capita GDP is $9300 (CIA, 2013). There is a rising middle class in China that possesses high purchasing power. This middle income group in China makes very high demand for luxury goods in the internation al market (Zhou, 2010). With rising income of the people belonging to the middle class in China, their exposure to the international market is increasing and they are becoming more accustomed to the western culture. This develops taste among the population for luxury products, such as high quality refined wine. This provides positive incentive for the wine manufacturers to increase their operations in China. According to comments by experts, in years to come, the Chinese â€Å"middle class† would become one of the greatest stakeholders for the wine firms. With evolution of the Chinese economy the society is also advancing. A greater proportion of the population is entering the middle class (Okonkwo, 2007). They are having high average earning and are influenced by the western culture to a greater extent. These people are becoming loyal customers of wine. Besides, increasing price differentials in the international market is a major factor that brings about growth in the Chine se wine market. Social China has a long history of brewing wine and there is a tradition of wine consumption in the country. Research shows that the consumption of wine by the Chinese population has been increasing over the last decade. Researchers have claimed that consumption of wine in China would double by 2014 (UPENN, 2012). The reason behind this change

Monday, October 7, 2019

Reading Responses to a Poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Reading Responses to a Poem - Essay Example The poem also takes a look at systems and structures of the human institution and how self made rules and principles made by humans are expected to be adhered to without fail. There are specific elements of literature that the writer used to bring out the nature of the poem better and these elements are discussed below. Form The form of a poem is supposed to give a generalized structure about the poem. It is supposed to show the poem is organized and the manner in which a reader is expected to carry out the reading pulses (Gabrielle, 2009). In this very regard, a lot can be said about the poem, â€Å"I’m Nobody! Who are you?† first, it is seen that the poem is written in just two stanzas. The response I had from this was the writer’s ability to lay his intensions and thoughts clear in a very brief manner. As the African proverb goes, if a medicine will save you, you only need a pill of it. The writer therefore conveyed all her message clearly in only two stanzas. Within the two stanzas, there are spreads of loose iambic trimester with a number of fourth stresses. This gives the poem ABCB rhyme scheme. Some kind of fall out from the norm was however noted with the ABCB rhyme scheme. ... In â€Å"I’m Nobody! Who are you?†, the writer chooses the concept of human relationship and talks on the theme of essence in humble social status. The writer tactfully expresses her opinion on the need for a person to live in quite humility rather than open pride. The writer employs the terms â€Å"no body† and â€Å"somebody† to show the differences between two people; one of who are regarded as poor and having nothing. To this people, the writer appreciates their position as an enviable one because it is free from public pressure. She however subjects the high class in society to the need to think carefully about the responsibilities that their status in life brings to them. In essence, the writer is advising all people to live in humility rather than wanting to be the topic of social discussion and yet having a lot of herculean responsibilities that they may eventually find as stressful. The response I had from the theme was very striking and left me t hinking about how important it is for me to appreciate what I have as a person. Language One of the only ways the writer could make her poem meaningful despite the fact that there were only few stanzas was to use thought provoking and highly insightful language and this is exactly what the writer of â€Å"I’m Nobody! Who are you?† did (Gabrielle, 2009). This notwithstanding, the writer was able to make the content of the poem highly understandable. The understanding of the poem was first vested in the title of the poem, which was more or less a summation of the theme of the poem, asking that â€Å"I’m nobody! Who are you?† Subsequent to this title, the writer uses language that further justifies

Sunday, October 6, 2019

GrammLeachBliley Act and its effect in Economy Essay

GrammLeachBliley Act and its effect in Economy - Essay Example The GLB Act is also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999. As its name suggests, it is meant to bring into practice or reality what were then needed at that point –_ to modernize financial services. Signed into law by President Bill Clinton to repeal part of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which limits what banks could do, GLB created opening up of the market among securities companies banking companies, and insurance companies. Under the Glass-Steagall Act, the three companies cannot be combined in any way but under GLB, they were made free to do so. The GLB Act therefore gave more power to the players of the financial services industry as it allowed consolidation or combination of commercial banks, investment banks, securities firms, and insurance companies. The 1998 case of Citicorp, a commercial bank holding company, merging with Travelers Group, an insurance company by forming conglomerate Citigroup exemplified the case in point. A temporary waiver pro cess1 for combining securities, insurance, and banking was needed or the merger in 1998, would have violated the Glass-Steagall Act and the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956. GLB therefore legalized the merger on a permanent basis. How it became a law through the legislative process? Through congressional vote by chamber and party, GLB came about in 1999. Prior to said date, the banking industry had been seeking the repeal of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act since the 1980s, if not earlier. In 1987, the Congressional Research Service reported on the matter, after exploring the cases for and against preserving the Glass-Steagall Act2. This was followed by respective versions of the legislation being introduced in the US Senate by Phil Gramm and US House of Representatives Jim Leach with the support of Rep Bliley, Jr, Chairman of House Commerce Committee from 1995 to 2001. As stated earlier, the banking industry

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Stopped voyages and the Stopped Social Improving Essay

The Stopped voyages and the Stopped Social Improving - Essay Example Apparently, the initiation of the voyages marked a great Chinese historical period in cultural exchanges and trade. The number of ships in each fleet that Zheng led to the Western Sea had about 40 to 60 ships and over 27,000 people. In each envoy, Zheng acted as the business representative and herald of the Ming court. The voyages navigated through various countries where Zheng stopped and presented gifts to the rulers as a perfect way of enhacing cooperation and relationships. Unfortunately, in 1424, Yongle Emperor who was the sponsor of the expensive voyages was murdered in a skirmish touching the Mongols. Zheng could hardly undertake any other voyages, and set out for his last voyage in 1429 before the Hongxi Emperor who succeeded Yongle Emperor banned the voyages in 1433 on the grounds that they were a misappropriation of resources and money. While the emperor did this to circumvent China from external influence, it limited china’s development by cutting trade with the outside world, and advanced Europeans could easily target China (Jessie, 2). It is evident that Chinese voyages had cr eated great contribution to the Chinese culture and Economy and the decision of stopping more voyages was undeniably wrong. The Chinese society could have been improved much better if Hongxi Emperor did not stop the voyages. The voyages greatly contributed to growth of trade between China and the outside world as well as spreading Chinese culture to the outside world, factors that contributed to the growth of China. In the ships, there was a myriad of special Chinese products that were meant for the foreign countries such as India and coast of Africa. These included skein, newly established celadon, enamelware, gauze, and brocade. Noteworthy, during the Tang Dynasty, people in China had already understood the technology of making glass to be heat resistant through addition of

Friday, October 4, 2019

Contemporary Middle East History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Contemporary Middle East History - Essay Example While not completely Western but also combined with Islamic ideals, the Ottoman Empire presented different challenges for the Middle East than the British and French Empires. The Ottomans demonstrated a semi-Islamic influence in the region. This means that while initially embracing some Islamic ideals, the Ottomans later rejected others and according to Islamic perceptions in the Middle East, the Ottomans while at first more favorable than the British and French Empires were eventually seen as un-Islamic (Gelvin 2005; Khatar, 2004). While many in the region may blame so-called imperialists - (whether they be Ottomans, British-French or American) - for the conditions in the region, the failure of nationalist successive governments to take control of their own destiny is an inherent problem in the Middle East and until today needs to be adequately addressed and confronted (Huntington, 1996). As Huntington (1996) notes 'Western style democracy' in the Middle East has served to increase anti-Western political forces. The history of how and why this rage against Western style democracy can be seen in the social, political, technological and economic forces that have been imposed upon the Middle East via successive colonial administrations. The Ottoman Empire under the absolute rule of Sultan Seleyman had the responsibility of guaranteeing complete justice or adala among the governed. This idea has both Islamic and Turco-Persian aspects. Borrowing from Hebraic traditions, the idea of distributive justice is modeled after King Solomon in the Old Testament who according to Islamic political theory was a considered a seminal figure in distributive justice. This idea encapsulates the Western notion of justice hence the Western portion of political rule during the Ottoman Empire that regarding fairness and equity. Additionally and importantly, the Islamic portion of justice was that notion it be inclusive for all including the lowest individuals in the power structure. As stated within the Koran Allah admonishes the followers of Islam to act equitably "you who believe! Be upright for Allah, bearers of witness with justice, and let not hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably; act equitably, that is nearer to piety , and he careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is Aware of what you do" (The Dinner Table, 5.8). In terms of economic and social life the Ottoman Empire attempted to include all members of the Empire no matter how powerless. Although seemingly removed ideologically from the society the Ottoman Sultan followed a set of siyasa laws, which included the severe punishment of government officials if they were believed to have abused their powers. Such abuses included illegally taxing or forcing the labor of peasants, forcibly requiring them to give food to soldiers or forcibly staying in their homes (Khatar, 2004; Gelvin, 2005). The punishment for these crimes usually included the death penalty. In terms of social structure and relations, the Ottoman Empire can be considered one of the first to quantify public opinion and therefore demonstrates how public opinion was considered very important in legitimating the power of the Sultan. If the Sultan did not have favorable public opinion and more negative public opinion cultivated by its adversaries then the Sultan would be sure to fall. In order to cultivate and maintain positive favor among the public in support of the Sultan

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Purposes Of Education Essay Example for Free

The Purposes Of Education Essay Workshop Foundations The purpose of the workshop is to present the purposes of education. For the purpose of this objective, the participants of the workshop will be asked to participate in group activities that will allow them to experience a purpose of education. Their experience in the activities will then be shared trough discussion group with the rest of the workshop participants.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Each of the activities assigned to each group are designed to illustrate how the process of education supports its purposes. The purposes of education, as to be presented during the Introduction of Workshop by Team 1 have been summarized as follows: Education is to teach members of society ethical and moral values, the social system which includes social order, politics and economics as well as the standards and norms expected from each member of that society (Sever, 2006) Education has the purpose of developing competencies and knowledge for the individual and social productivity, allowing individuals the ability to empower themselves and preserve society (Anderson, 2005). Education is a means to realize human potential and achieving self-worth (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) ESD Section, 2007) Task Schedule The activity will me be led by a management team made up of four teams. Three of the teams or management team member will be assigned to supervise a workshop group with their activity. The fourth team will handle the introduction and processing of the workshop activities. The workshop activities for each group will be discussed in detail in later section of the paper. The schedule or outline of activities will be as followed strictly to ensure the group and worship activities will be accomplished and to promote the management of activities. Task # Task Team-in-charge Time allotted (minute/s) Activities 1 Introduction of Workshop 1 2 Presentation of workshop objectives and requirements. 2 Presentation of literature defining the purpose of education 2 Introduction of workshop management teams and their roles 2 Division into groups 1 2 Participants will be asked to count-off to form three groups, groups A, B and C. 1 Participants will be asked to go to their respective group managers[1] 3 Group activity 2, 3, 4 1 Orientation of team tasks[2] 8 Groups will work independently to accomplish the task/scenario given to them. 2 After accomplishment of the tasks, Teams will lead the processing for their respective groups[3]. 4 Workshop processing 1 4 The task/activity of each group will be presented by a group member and their ideas they have listed during group processing 2 Comparison and contrast of ideas listed during group processing and the presented definitions of the purpose of education 4 Discussion the significance of the understanding the purpose of education and the activities from each group    Group Activities Group A   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The city is hosting a number of groups of varying cultures and ethnicity. There has been a history of conflicts among some groups because of cultural conflicts. A few of the groups have limited interaction with other groups. At the same time, some social service and public officers have had difficulty in encouraging social participation among groups that have led to some difficulties in delivering primary services. One of the strategies that has been seen to improve relationships among these groups is by using schools as a platform? Do you believe that such interventions will be effective? Explain and discuss with your group.    Group B   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a greater demand for computer literacy today. Companies consider computer skills as a minimum requirement for employment. At the same time, many services and personal activities also require a degree of computer proficiency which includes banking, communications and filing for taxes among others. Thus, many schools have invested in the procurement of these technological tools and teachers have been encouraged to incorporate computers and other technologies to their classes. This has entailed a significant resource investment that is need just as much in the development of new infrastructure, improving compensation of teaching personnel or allocating it for support services for students. Do you think schools are justified in their investment in computer literacy? Explain and discuss with your group.    Group C   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the UNESCO, one of their motivations in emphasizing the importance of education in developing countries is its potential in contributing to national development. Do you believe that such a perspective is valid? How can education contribute to national development indicators such as gross domestic product, unemployment and crime rate? In turn, how can the improvement of such development indicators enhance the quality of human life? Explain and discuss with your group.    References Anderson, Jo Anne (2005). Accountability in education. Education Policy Series. Paris: International Institute of Educational Planning – International Academy of Education and UNESCO Jones, Reilly (2003). Purpose of Education. Retrieved October 21, 2007, from Majhanovich, Suzanne (2002). Conflicting visions, competing expectations: Control and de-skilling of educationa perspective from Ontario. McGill Journal of Education, April. Retrieved October 21, 2007, from Sever, Rita (2006). Educational Policy Borrowing: Historical Perspectives. International Sociology, May (21): 483 – 487 The Meaning of Education (2002).   Teachers Mind Resources. Retrieved October 21, 2007, from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ESD Section, 2007 UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development: The First Two Years. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, March (1): 117 – 126 [1] Team 1 will be assigned to handle Group A, Team 2 to Group B and Team 3 to Group C [2] Teams will explain to their respective groups the task assigned for their team. Team managers will establish roles and for the group members and guid them in the accomplishment of their objective [3] Processing will be the identification of the purpose of education highlighted by the activity. Responses will be summarized by Teams for their respective groups on posters assigned for each group or onto the presentation slides reserved for workshop processing. The posters will be displayed and utilized during workshop processing